Saturday, March 28, 2009

What I'll do for now...

Not that my blog will take a back seat to anything, but I do have a bunch of stuff going on that commands my attention.

For the time being, I'll be posting my Facebook updates from my notes section on my blog. It seems to be a good way to save a little bit of time and not to repeat myself.

I'll still throw in my odd-and-end stuff on my blog. I want to continue my favorites and I've got other stories to tell and memories to ruminate about. Those I'll throw in between the NSHL (Nodular Sclerosing Hodgkin's Lymphoma) updates.

I've just got a lot of reading ahead of me to find out as much as I can about NSHL, my particular condition and my treatments and what lies ahead for me for the forseeable future. That takes a lot of time and energy.

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